Spiritual Resources


As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to participate in God’s mission of reconciliation, which motivates us to address and change systems that causes the oppression.

About ECS Sunday

The first Sunday in May is ECS Sunday, a day when we come together as a diocese to celebrate our common mission of service and reconciliation in the Diocese of New Jersey and lift up our witness to justice and peace.

All congregations are asked to recognize ECS Sunday in worship services, making the ECS story part of sermons, Prayers of the People, and congregational communications through the use of  resources.

What happens on ECS Sunday?

    • Sermons are given to celebrate the mission of service and reconciliation 
    • People come together to follow Christ’s mission of love and service 
    • People are encouraged to pray regularly and donate to become a Friend or Founder of ECS-NJ 

As part of our efforts to build community and strengthen our common work across the Diocese, ECS-NJ has been in the process of launching a “Champion” program for every church in the Diocese and seeks someone in each congregation who knows ECS-NJ. Through this program, an ECS-NJ Champion can:

    • Be the “human face” of ECS-NJ in your congregation,
    • Serve as a liaison to the vestry,
    • Advocate for support of mission outreach efforts and needs, and
    • Highlight ECS-NJ news, events, and advocacy opportunities.

Episcopal Community Services of the Diocese of New Jersey (ECS-NJ) is a diocesan initiative that works to strengthen our collective ability to proactively address human needs and relentlessly work against both social and racial injustice.

Please email [email protected] to sign up or for more information.

Save the Date: Episcopal Community Services: ECS Sunday 2025  Sunday, May 4, 2025


Episcopal Community Services: ECS Sunday 2024 Rogation Celebrations: Planting Seeds of Gospel Justice

Planning for Rogation Sunday, May 5, 2024

Introduction: Planting Seeds of Justice

This collection of resources for your Episcopal Community Services Sunday/Rogation day celebration is intended to be a full basket of harvested prayers for your good use. In planning a Rogation Sunday worship experience for your church or home, please remember that what matters most are your own mindful prayers and being open to connecting to God’s wondrous creation.

Simply being outside, taking a walk and being in prayer, might just be enough.

Prayers of the People for ECS Sunday

May 7, 2023

Introduction: Planting Seeds of Justice

Friends, we who are many are one body in Christ. From the common work of people, God shapes the way of justice, peace and hope for a world broken by systems that reinforce poverty in heart, body, and mind. Our call in Christ is to proclaim the Gospel with works of mercy and service. As we mark this ECS Sunday celebrating our common mission in the Diocese of New Jersey let us lift up our common witness to justice and peace.